
Using Selfies to Build Positive Relationships

  • Aug. 6, 2015, 4:22 p.m.

or younger students, provide a circle in which they draw their face and hair. They can simply write their name.

Older students can write a caption or a social-media-type post. They can include hashtags that provide details about likes and dislikes.

For example, my post might read “Feeling excited to learn new things!”

My hashtags are: #Bestyearever #Ilovelearning

Throughout the year (maybe even each month), have students change the selfie and the captions and hashtags.

At the end of the year, compare the beginning of the year selfie to the end of year selfie. Ask students to identify how they have grown during the year. How have they changed physically? What do they know and do now that they didn't know at the beginning of the year? How have they become independent? This is a great portfolio piece that parents are likely to cherish for a very long time. Download this activity from our Teachers Pay Teachers Store.